Cat Peeing In Water Bowl – Why Your Kitty Does It and How to Stop It

One of the most common issues pet owners have to deal with is a cat peeing in water bowl. It’s an unpleasant problem that can cause stress and confusion. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to understand why cats pee in their water bowls and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

Table of Contents

Why Cat Peeing In The Water Bowl

Rule Out Medical Issues

Your cat could be peeing outside its litter box due to bladder and kidney issues. So, have a vet rule out any medical issues before you start managing your kitty’s behavioral issues. 

A Filthy Litter Box

Cleaning Cat Litter.

Cleaning Cat Litter.

A dirty litter box may make cats seek alternate places to relieve themselves. Therefore, clean the litter box frequently. For example, scoop out the litter daily or several times a day – especially if you own multiple kitties. Also, change the litter and clean up the litter box weekly or bi-weekly.

Territorial Dominance

A kitty may pee in a water bowl to signify territorial dominance. However, this may be the case if you own multiple cats – one cat might want to dominate the entire water bowl. In such a situation, make sure each kitty has its water bowl. Also, you might want to reposition the water bowl to guard against territorial dominance.

A Tough-To-Reach Litter Box

Your cat may pee in other areas if the litter box is outside the feline’s reach. So, position the litter box within your cat’s reach. For example, don’t put the litter box in the basement if you have a senior cat. The kitty will unlikely get to it due to mobility and eyesight issues. For your information, a restroom or adjacent corridor is the best spot to position the litter box

Anxiety and Stress

A scared cat is in a carrier.

A scared cat is in a carrier.

A stressed or anxious cat is likely to urinate in places other than the litter box. Therefore, refrain from subjecting your cat to things that can trigger anxiety and stress. Sudden changes, including relocating the litter box, can overwhelm your cat. Consequently, normalize making changes gradually so your cat can adjust accordingly.

On the same note, loud noises tend to cause anxiety and stress in felines. So, avoid positioning the litter box near noisy places.

Note: consult a vet about effective ways to manage stress and anxiety in cats.

How To Stop Cat Peeing In Water And Food Bowls

  • An enzyme cleaner eliminates the urine smell by breaking down ammonia and bacteria. Your cat might stop peeing outside its litter box to claim territory.
  • Clean the litter box – if your cat is peeing outside. Also, endeavor to provide sufficient litter boxes for your kitty.
  • Play with your furry friend more often to help ease anxiety and tension. Also, ask a professional for more ways to lower stress and anxiety in your cat.
  • Consult a vet if you suspect a UTI is causing your cat to pee carelessly.
  • Cuddle with your cat to make it feel more at ease.
  • Ensure your kitty’s comfort in the house. For example, give it enough toys to play with and space to explore.
  • Put some snacks in the areas where your cat pees. That way, the kitty may stop urinating in these spots.


Should You Consider Visiting the Vet for Your Cat’s Urination Problems?

A cat is with a vet.

A cat is with a vet.

Suppose your cat is castrated and is still peeing in the water bowl and other strange places. In that case, the feline likely suffers from an underlying health condition – UTI. So, consider visiting the vet if this is the case with your cat.

Note: if your cat isn’t castrated and has urination problems, you might want to castrate it and see if that will help solve the issue.

How Do You Know If A Cat Has A UTI?

Common symptoms of a UTI in cats include the following.

  • Pinkish urine – blood-tinged pee
  • Difficulty peeing
  • Low urine output
  • Urinating outside the litter box
  • Not peeing at all
  • Pain while peeing

Can A Dirty Litter Box Cause UTI?

Yes, cats risk squatting on the decomposing litter in the box. That way, the bacteria (from a dirty litter box) can travel up the urethra of your cat, causing a UTI. So, make sure to clean your cat’s litter box regularly.

What Can You Give A Cat for A Urinary Tract Infection?



Cranberries are acidic and can lower the PH of your kitty’s urine, helping treat an existing UTI. However, don’t use cranberry juice – it’s very sugary. Instead, purchase cranberry supplements in capsule or powder form and add them to your kitty’s food.


If your cat is peeing in their water bowl, it’s essential to get to the root of the problem. For more information on this topic, contact us today.