Different Colors of Maine Coons – A List of Common and Rarest Colors

Maine Coons stand out due to their large size, majestic stride, intelligence, and beautiful coats. Additionally, they’re very adaptable and friendly to everyone, including kids, other cats, and even dogs. No wonder it’s one of the top three cats registered by the Cat Fanciers Association. If you’re already in love with this cat breed, you may want to know the different colors of Maine Coons. Well, read on to find out the most popular color combinations. 

Table of Contents

Maine Coon Colors: Origin of the Breed

A large red marble Maine coon cat stands next to a red rose

(A large red marble Maine coon cat stands next to a red rose)

The Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, hailing from the US state of Maine. The breed’s origins are still mysterious, leading to many speculations. Some people believe that the cat breed descends from the Norwegian Forest Cats. 

This a hypothesis which, if accurate, accounts for the Main Coon’s large size and lush coat. Conversely, others believe that the feline is part tabby, part angora. Remember, all these are just speculations, and we don’t certainly know their true origins. 

Different Colors of Maine Coons

Two different colored Maine Coon kittens

(Two different colored Maine Coon kittens)

The Maine Coon has so many colors that creating a list becomes tough. Generally, we classify them into certain classes for your convenience, with many variants and colors. 

Solid Colors

Whereas most Maine Coons have complicated patterns with several colors, solids are one color from head to tail.


While a black Maine Coon is stunning, most are smoky blacks. It’s easier to tell by going close and inspecting the undercoat. Nevertheless, solid black Maine Coons are gorgeous, complete with black noses and lips. Their noses and paws are brown.


Chocolate Maine Coons have solid colors or a variety of patterns and shades. The most well-known are the smoky brown cats with white undercoats. Moreover, you can find chocolate Maine Coons in white, silver, cameo, and cream colors.


Cinnamon is a very unusual yet beautiful hue that is a mild dilution of black. A cinnamon cat has a light brown coat.


Red or orange (ginger) is the most famous Maine Coon coat color. Some Maine Coons, on the other hand, are categorized as rare solid red if their coat is only red fur of comparable shades. Only one in every five red Maine Coons is female, making a solid red female Maine Coon very rare.


(Maine Coons in romping in the garden)

Smoke is a solid-colored cat with minor fading on the undercoat. These cats appear solid, but as you look inside the fur, the undercoat appears lighter. They carry an inhibitor gene that dilutes the hair shaft’s color.

Blue Smoke

Blue smoke Maine Coons have a white undercoat, deeply tinged with blue. The cat seems blue in repose, but a white undercoat is visible when it moves. Additionally, they have white frills and ear tufts, while the nose leather and paw pads are blue.

Cameo Smoke

Cameo/ red smoke Maine Coons have a white undercoat, strongly tipped with red. The cat appears red in repose, but a white undercoat is visible when it moves. Additionally, the rims of the eyes, paw pads and nose leather are rose. 

Cream Smoke

Cream smoke Maine Coons have a white undercoat, deeply tipped with cream. The Maine Coon looks cream in repose, but a white undercoat is visible when in motion. Furthermore, the rims of the eyes, paw pads and nose leather are pink.

Tortie Smoke

White undercoat with black tips and patches or gently mixed bands of crimson on the entire body and extremities. The Maine Coon appears tortoiseshell in repose, but a white undercoat is apparent when in motion.


A group of kittens

(A group of kittens)

Shaded Maine Coons have light undercoats with a distinct hue on their outside layer of fur. Conversely, they can be of one color but with varying degrees of intensity across the body. 

Here are the most common shaded Maine Coon combinations.

Shaded Silver

Shaded silver Maine Coons have white undercoats with a black mantle shading down from the sides, face, and tail. Also, color varies from dark on the ridge to white on the chest, chin, stomach, and beneath the tail. Legs will be the same color as the face.

Shaded Blue Silver

Shaded blue silver Maine Coons resemble the shaded silver cats. The only color difference is that they have white undercoats with a blue mantle shading down from the sides, face, and tail. 

Shaded Cameo

White undercoat with a red mantle shading down from the sides, face, and tail. The face and legs may be darker than the rest of the body. Also, they have white chins, ear furnishings, stomachs, and chests (ruff). The eye rims, nose, and paw pads are all rose-colored.

Shaded Tortoiseshell

White undercoat with a black mantle shading down from the sides, face, and tail. The face and legs may be darker than the rest of the body. Also, they have white chins, ear furnishings, stomachs, and chests. The eye rims, nose, and paw pads are all rose to blue.

Shaded Tortoiseshell and White

These Maine Coons are much like the shaded tortoiseshell ones but may or may not have white on the face. Also, they must have white on all four paws, the belly, and the bib.


A Maine Coon kitten

(A Maine Coon kitten)

The tabby pattern is perhaps the most popular among Maine Coons. Tabbies’ coats or undercoats feature stripes or patches. Here are some examples of the tabby-color Maine Coons.


The classic tabby features a spiral design. Because the stripes are often fairly broad, this design resembles marble patterning. Additionally, the circular design features on both sides and broad stripes run down the center of their back.


Markings are clearly defined, dense, and narrow all around the body. Color patterns resemble a mackerel fish’s patterns with distinct parallel lines on both sides of the body.


The patched tabby is also known as tortoiseshell-tabby or torbie. The body has flowing tabby patterns with red or cream patches and darkening at the dorsal crest, as seen above.

Tabby with White

Red Tabby-White

These Maine Coons are much like the red tabby ones but may not have white on the face. Additionally, they must have white on all four feet, the belly, and the bib.

Brown Tabby-White

Have ground color or coppery brown with dense black markings. Also, they may or may not have white on the face but must have white on all four feet, the belly, and the bib.

Silver Tabby-White

These Maine Coon cats have a silver tabby coat with or without white on their face. The belly, bib, and all four feet must be white.


Have black with red patches or gently overlapping red spots on both the body and the extremities


Have white fur in combination with other colors, including black, blue, cream, and red.


Have two or more different colors and includes tortoiseshell and blue-cream Maine Coons.

What are the most common and rarest Maine Coon colors?

Maine coon cats sitting on a chair

(Maine coon cats sitting on a chair)

Most common: Tabbies

Rarest: Golden, Shaded Silver, and True Orange Maine Coons


Maine Coons are very friendly feline giants that come in many colors. Even better, you can easily find one that suits your liking regardless of where you live. After hundreds of years in the demanding Maine environment, these cats are strong and adaptable. It’s hard not to fall in love with a Maine Coon once you see one.