Natural Wormer for Cats – Eliminate Troublesome Parasites Naturally

About Natural Wormer for Cats, Deworming your cat is necessary for any responsible pet care regimen. However, you don’t always need to resort to harsh chemical treatments. Intestinal parasites can cause a great deal of harm to cats and prevent them from living happy, healthy lives. Fortunately, natural worming treatments can help keep your pet free of parasites.

Natural wormers for cats provide the same protection against parasites without the harshness of traditional therapies. There are several different types of natural wormers for cats, each with its benefits. Today we’ll talk about the most common intestinal parasites in cats and the natural wormers that can help eliminate them.

Table of Contents

Common Intestinal Parasites in Cats

girl and woozy cat

(girl and woozy cat)

Below are six of the most common intestinal parasites found in cats.


Tapeworms are the most common intestinal parasite in cats. They attach to the lining of the intestine, absorbing nutrients and producing eggs.


Roundworms are elongated, round parasites that can grow up to two or three inches in length.


Coccidia is nanoscopic parasites that live in the lining of the intestine. They differ from other parasites because they reproduce inside the cells of the intestine rather than in the intestines themselves.


Hookworms are small, thread-like parasites that attach to the wall of the intestine and feed on the cat’s blood. They cause anemia, weight loss, and severe diarrhea in cats.


Whipworms are less common than other parasites. They live deep in the intestines and feed on the cat’s blood, causing weight loss, anemia, and severe diarrhea.


Giardia is another microscopic parasite that lives in the small intestine and causes diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss in cats.

How Does Your Cat Get Intestinal Parasites And the Symptoms?

Natural Wormer for Cats : mother and baby kittens

(mother and baby kittens)

Cats get tapeworms after consuming a flea or eating infected prey. It is one reason that flea prevention is so important in cats. Roundworms, coccidia, hookworms, whipworms, and giardia tend to spread through contaminated soil or feces. 

In some cases, eating contaminated prey or having contact with an infected cat or dog can initiate the spread. However, for roundworms, contraction can also happen through nursing from a mother cat to her kittens. 

While symptoms vary in each cat, they primarily include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, bloat, anemia, and scooting on the floor.

Natural Dewormer for Cats

Natural Wormer for Cats : relaxing cat after receiving natural dewormer

(relaxing cat after receiving natural dewormer)

The great thing about natural dewormers for cats is that you likely already have the ingredients in your home. Cats’ most common natural dewormers include pumpkin seeds and apple cider vinegar. Let’s look at each one in detail.


Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which kills parasites. Serving your pal coarsely chopped grated carrots can help flush out parasites and mucus in the intestines.


Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory with anti-parasitic properties. It can help reduce inflammation in the gut and prevent further infestation. The curcumin in turmeric acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent, which can help keep worms at bay.


Chamomile has been a natural sedative used to treat digestive problems for centuries. It can help reduce inflammation in the intestines, especially those related to roundworms and whipworms. Mix one teaspoon of tea with 1/4 cup of water and give it to your kitty.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds deworm naturally by expelling worms from the intestine. They contain cucurbitacins that paralyze the worms and naturally streamline removal. The rule of thumb is to serve your kitty one teaspoon of raw pumpkin seeds per 10 pounds twice daily. 

Coconut and Coconut Oil

Coconut and its oil are natural wormers and work best on tapeworms and giardia. The oil helps to expel worms from the intestine. The pulp is rich in fiber which helps to flush out the worms. Coconut can also help reduce inflammation in the intestinal lining and soothe irritation caused by parasites. Use one teaspoon per 10 pounds once per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar increases alkaline levels in the stomach, which kills parasites like tapeworms and roundworms. It also helps to break down mucus that’s present in the intestines due to parasites. Serve about one teaspoon of vinegar and one tablespoon of water once a day.

Essential Oil

Essential oils like clove, thyme, and oregano are very effective against certain external parasites. Mix five drops of the essential oil and dilute with rosehip, argan, or sweet almond oil. You can also mix it with your cat’s shampoo for added protection. 

For more severe skin issues, use up to 20 drops of oil. Dilute it with 100 ml above oils and apply it directly to the skin. Avoid open wounds and contact with eyes.

Natural Wormer for Cats : Wormwood

Wormwood is a natural remedy with a good reputation for treating cat parasites, specifically roundworms. It contains thujone, which has anthelmintic properties and helps to expel worms from the intestines. Wormwood reduces inflammation in the intestines due to infestation. 

Natural Wormer for Cats : Black Walnut

Black walnut has juglone, a chemical that has anti-parasitic properties. It works best on roundworms and tapeworms. It has a similar expelling effect as wormwood. Black Walnut works best in tincture form, one tablespoon per 10 pounds of body weight once a day.

Natural Wormer for Cats : Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth comprises the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. A natural dewormer works as an abrasive to expel parasites from the intestines. It damages the exoskeleton of the worms, which causes them to dehydrate. 

However, remember to use food-grade diatomaceous earth and ensure it is properly mixed with water before giving it to your cat.

Clove (Syzygium)

Cloves, or Syzygium, work better than albendazole at killing parasites like tapeworms and roundworms. It acts as an anthelmintic (dewormer) by paralyzing the parasites. The active ingredients in cloves, eugenol, and carvacrol, assist in expelling worms from the intestine.

Do Natural Dewormers Work in Cats?

We live in a time when natural remedies demand is greater than ever, and natural dewormers have gained popularity. Unfortunately, scientific awareness could benefit their effectiveness.

Let’s face it. Natural dewormers are an option to consider when dealing with cat parasites. Remember to speak to your vet before trying any natural dewormers. Never attempt to diagnose or treat your cat yourself. 

Wrapping Up

Natural Wormer for Cats : cat at checkup appointment

(cat at checkup appointment)

Natural dewormers can be a great way to help prevent and treat infestations of worms in cats. They are generally safe to use and can effectively expel and kill worms in cats. 

Always consult your veterinarian before using these natural remedies, as some can be toxic in large doses. They may even cause adverse side effects. Additionally, using these treatments consistently and correctly for the best results is essential.