Main Coon vs. Normal Cat – 7 Key Features That You Should Know

About main coon vs. normal cat, Have you heard of Maine Coons and are curious to know how different they are from normal cats? Or are you trying to choose which one to get? 

Both Maine Coon and regular cats belong to the same family. But they also have many differences, such as their appearances, personalities, and much more. 

This article presents seven key features that differentiate the Maine Coon from the average cat so you know how to spot one.  

Table of Contents

1. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Physical Features Difference

A gray fluffy Maine Coon cat is lying on green grass 

A gray fluffy Maine Coon cat is lying on green grass 


One main characteristic that distinguishes the Maine Coon from the average cat is its coat. Maine Coon coats are thick, fluffy, and typically longer in most body parts. The long fur grows into a pyramid around the neck, giving them a regal lion-like appearance. 

Furthermore, the fur has a silky undercoat that is waterproof and helps keep them warm and dry during cold winter. The Maine Coon’s beautiful coat comes in many different color combinations


Maine Coon vs. regular cats are also differentiated by their ears. Maine Coons have a distinctive tuft of fur growing on their ears’ inner parts and edges. Their ears are upright. Regular cat ears can vary in size and shape but are simple and much smaller.


Regular domesticated cats have rounded face that has triangular-shaped jaw structures. On the other hand, the Maine Coons have elongated broad faces with square muzzles and high cheekbones. This, together with the concave slope between the Maine Coon forehead and nose, make them appear much fatter than average cats.


The large, oval-shaped, and bright, expressive eyes of Maine Coons give them a unique look. Normal cats have average-sized round eyes, primarily blue, green, yellow, brown, or mixed-in color. Maine Coon kittens are born with blue eyes but change color as they grow and turn into amber, gold, green, or in between. 


The vast size and bulky bone structure of the Maine Coons make them stand out from normal cats. A typical cat averages 9-11 pounds, 8-20 inches, and 9-10 inches in weight, length, and height, respectively. On the other hand, the average weight, length, and height of the Maine Coon is 18-20 pounds, 40 inches, and 10-16 inches, respectively. 


Maine Coon whiskers are remarkably distinct compared to those of normal cats. They are the longest of any breed of domesticated cats. These great-looking whiskers act as antennae that enable the large cats to navigate dark or tight areas. 


Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coon long tail can measure between 12 and 18 inches long. It is super fluffy and is flipped up most of the time. As the cat moves around, the tail will wave back and forth in the air. Normal cats have short, thin, and noodle-like tails which measure about 10 inches long.  

2. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Personality Difference


Maine Coon kitten two months old

Maine Coon kitten two months old

Although Maine Coon have a considerable appearance that may seem intimidating, they are very cuddly, friendly, and affectionate. They are often referred to as the dogs of the cat world due to their loyalty and ability to connect with humans and other pets. Regular cats usually prefer to keep to themselves. 

Due to their sharp hunting instincts, Maine Coons are more observant and attentive than regular cats. They are extremely curious and will keep your home free from mice. Unlike normal cats that primarily meow, Maine Coons communicate with humans by letting out shrill purrs, high-pitched chirps, or yowling. 

Maine Coon loves to play in the water and even swim, a no-go area for normal cats.

3. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Cleaning & Grooming

Maine Coon cat brushing by a professional groomer in the salon

The Maine Coon cat brushing by a professional groomer in the salon

Maine Coon requires a weekly 2-3 times grooming to keep the skin healthy and minimize shedding.

Cleaning and grooming Maine Coons should include brushing their coat, bathing, teeth cleaning, and trimming the skin in warm environments. On the other hand, normal shorthaired cats’ grooming needs are minimal, just a bath here and there. They already spend 50 percent of their time cleaning and grooming themselves.

4. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Territorial Behavior

Territorial instincts are a typical and natural behavior in all cats. 

Maine Coon and regular cat leave their scent by scratching or rubbing parts of themselves on what they want to mark. They can also spray urine to mark their territory.

5. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Health Problems

Although Maine Coons are very hardy, they may be genetically predisposed to certain diseases. Hip Dysplasia, resulting in ball and socket dislocation, is a health problem. Maine Coons are likely susceptible to developing this disease due to their large body mass. 

The other health condition is feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), one of the most commonly diagnosed heart diseases in senior or middle-aged cats. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is another genetic disorder that usually becomes evident within 3-4 months of the kitten’s age. 

Maine Coons may also inherit polycystic kidney disease (PKD), severely damaging the kidneys over time. 

6. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Trainability Difference

Maine Coon cat and harness

Maine Coon cat and harness

Although all cats are intelligent creatures, Maine Coons are highly intelligent and trainable compared to normal cats. These cats can quickly learn to do new tricks and follow simple voice commands. They are even able to walk on a leash.

7. Maine Coon vs. Normal Cat: Price Difference

Maine Coons command a much higher price than regular domesticated cats. You can easily buy an average house cat for as little as a $50-$100 fee or get one for free. But when buying a Maine Coon, you should be prepared to pay between $500 – $1500 for a kitten. 


Next time you encounter any of these breeds, you should be able to tell whether it’s a Maine Coon or an average cat